

Stainless steel

Watching friends carefully do lines of cocaine during a house party in New York, Sebastian ErraZuriz sipped his whiskey and thought that what his friends were doing was totally wrong. While his friends continued partying, Sebastian ErraZuriz retreated to a corner and began furiously scribbling notes. At the next party, ErraZuriz arrived with a gift he had designed for his friends. “I thought this might make the whole process a lot easier,” he said, while handing over the first prototype of his stainless steel Cocaine Slab.

With four linear slots embedded in the steel, the new “Coke Slab” allows the user to create four perfect cocaine lines by simply swiping the drug over the slots. His friend thanked him but laughed: “You can tell cocaine is not your thing Sebastian; these lines are way too fat. I’d go crazy if I did lines that size!” Some weeks later with a little help from his friends, the Cocaine Slab design was perfected.
