

Bulletproof vest, acrylic paint

H60 x W10 x L16 in.

“Untitled” is the new social sculpture by artist, designer, activist Sebastian Errazuriz. The piece continues his series of politically charged sculptures inspired by the dada sculptures and current social political state.

Errazuriz appropriates a bulletproof vest by painting “We The People” on the front and “Civilian” on the back. The quote reminds us of civic right movements in the 60s when there was an urge for equality, social justice and humanity. The multiple recent violent events remind us that we still need to defend human rights.

The act of wearing a bulletproof vest implies the acknowledgement the small but nevertheless real risk of danger that can occur when peacefully protesting. Although the vest is a peaceful tool it can be perceived as a violent object. The bulletproof vest is charged with the potential violence it defends the wearer of. The defensive piece addresses the latent danger of being a peaceful civilian in the current political state.

As many works by Errazuriz, “Untitled” blurs the boundaries between art, design and activism. The vest is placed on a museum pedestal and is understood as a sculpture by the viewer. The owner can also take the piece out of its art context and wear a work that can save his life.

The stencil font used to write “We The People” and “Civilian” reminds us of improvised mass production aesthetic. The stencil’s design is downloadable for free on the artist’s website to encourage the masses to replicate and defend themselves peacefully.
